Scorned, directed by Mark Jones, is about a girl called Sadie, played by AnneLynne McCord, who goes away on a romantic weekend with her boyfriend, however, she discovers that he is cheating on her with her best friend, so Sadie decides to discipline them both, by torturing them, giving them the pain she went through as a child, due to killing her own sister.
Scorned, in my opinion, had my attention right away. From the opening scene, we are introduced to a house in a storm, with a man waking up, with a women in tears. In the conversation, we are told that he is cheating on her, in which I straight away felt sympathy for Sadie, but then the scene changes to what happened a couple of hours before, which led back to the opening scene, in which showed me that there was defiantly something odd with Sadie overall, which was a mystery. When introduced back to the opening scene, we are then introduced to the REAL Sadie. She invites the girl he is cheating on, her best friend, round after she sent a text saying that he has dumped her and the house was free, leaving the real juice to begin, with her forcing them both to have sex in front of her, electrocution, bone breaking (with the influence from the film misery) and blood splatter. I'm not normally the one to squint at scenes like this, but in the way AnneLynne played Sadie, in such a psychotic and twisted way, I was quite disturbed, because the story line, I felt, was very good. However this is only my opinion. There are a few things I have left only, purely for you to watch and decide for yourself.
Here is a little trailer for the film-