The film "Seven" is a thriller and crime film, about two detectives who are on a serial killer case, however, this serial killer used the seven deadly sins to get a message across.
"Seven" for me, was such an intense film. It had me throughout the whole film on the edge and it had my focus. It is quite graphic, but it paints the picture of what is going on and by doing this, visualizing the graphics of the murders realistic as possible. I loved how throughout the film, you could never get away from the dark and gloom of the urban city, because this showed the audience that this is life, no matter what. I also love how throughout the film, we did not know who the killer was until right at the end, which was quite a shock, but this ending made me question myself, on why the murderer was doing this and what was he up to? I also thought that, by this ending, the two detectives were his last murders!
Morgan Freeman and brad Pitt both played the characters very well. Morgan's character was the detective of the crime and his character always looked at the crimes in a different way, he always looked 'outside the box' or 'the bigger picture' to try and understand what these murders were trying to say. Pitts' character, Mills, suited him very well. Mills is a determined character and is totally opposite to Detective Summerset. Mills could think outside of the box, because he is too focused on just trying to get the killer in. He, at first, does not look deeply into the crime scenes, just brushes a few looks around, so both of these characters worked well with each other because Summerset taught Mills to look at 'the bigger picture.' They were an odd couple but they worked brilliant in the film.
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